

Pilates is amazing for your core strength, posture, toning, and overall body balance! Make steps toward winning the day with invigorating and strengthening moves you'll love! Taught by Kira, who is classically trained, and has 20 years of experience teaching and inspiring!

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  • Refreshing Full Body Pilates Flow & Shoulder Definer

    A refreshing Pilates flow with light free weights, starting with abs and oblique abs, moving to weights for a shoulder strengthener. Finish with a balancing focus on the backs of our legs. 23 Minutes, light free weights.

  • Pilates Mat in the Garden

    Join in this 18 minute mat with foundational movements, abs, obliques and legs! It's a great way to strengthen and tone, and support those deep ab and foundational muscles. Certified Pilates, BA, MS

  • 13 Min Length and Strength Pilates Mat

    We start with a spine and leg warmup, then target some triceps, hamstrings and glutes! We end with a fab finale of abs and free weights!

  • 8 Min Pilates Core!

    You can get an amazing core workout in just 8 minutes! Press play and enjoy tightening and strengthening for overall body balance!

  • Marvelous Mat in 15

    From inner thighs to marvelous mat style core work, you will get SO much out of this Pilates mat workout! 15 mins were never spent so well! Bring your light free weights!

  • Pilates Mat Essentials: 18 Mins Total Tone

    18 Minutes of daily essentials in a beautiful mat practice. Swiftly flowing and graceful. Equipment: light free weights.

  • Core in Gear Mat: 10 Mins

    This Mat workout will surely get your core in gear! Ultra strong core, here you come! A flowing session with Pilates classics plus some extra fun twists. No equipment!

  • Beneficial Balance: 14 Min Pilates

    Work your legs, core, abs, waists, and arms! Stand tall, engage your core, and flow through your workout. Grab your light free weights! 14 mins.

  • Renewing Pilates Mat

    Work your Core, Arms, Shoulders and Inner thighs with this engaging routine. 20 Minutes. One section with Light free Weights!

  • Serenity Sculpt with Free Weights - 19 Mins

    This low impact serenity sculpt Pilates includes balance challenges, lots of moves to boost control, and plenty of mobility maximizing and core boosting exercises.

  • Energy in Smooth Motion Pilates

    Work your abs, tone your legs, and work your arms as you enjoy energy in smooth motion.
    12.5 Minutes ⏰
    Medium Intensity ✅

  • Simply Sweet Pilates Mat

    It's tone up time! This Pilates Mat session is simply sweet as it gets your abs, core, and hamstrings!

  • Light up your Core Pilates

    Light up your core with this 11 minute session to target deep abdominals as you tighten your muscles and support your back!

  • Full Body Mat Challenge

    Pilates on the mat to challenge your muscles in a great way! Extend, engage, and focus along with us. Press play!

  • Light stretching Barre

    Join in this light stretching barre today! You'll work on tone while reaching through stretches and extensions!

  • Precise Pilates

    In just about 10 minutes, rock your legs and inner thighs, work your core, and tighten your glutes!

  • Pilates with Resistance

    Let's add some resistance to our Pilates practice today! Grab a towel or a band and join in with a superb 11-minute workout!

  • Intensify your Pilates Practice

    Core, arms, and waists are targeted in this session where we intensify your Pilates practice!

  • Bright and Beautiful Pilates

    Sometimes you need to reset! This session is invigorating - it is the perfect way to start or reset your day!

  • Lovely Balanced Legs and More!

    Tone your legs with length and precision in this 16-minute leg focused session that moves from a standing position to some creative mat work!

  • Strong & Steady Pilates

    Enjoy this just under 20-minute session to strengthen your whole body with focus on core, back, waist, and thighs!

  • Go Getter Pilates Mat

    All of you high achievers will have fun with this calm and strengthening go getter mat!